Plugin Tag: block
SAMS Integration
(0 total ratings)Inofficial plugin to display data from the official result service SAMS by the german volleyball confederation DVV (Deutscher Volleyballverband).
Ipdata Integration Plugin
(0 total ratings)Detect the visitor's country and redirect them to a specified page or an arbitrary URL, or use their location data in content with provided short …
Authenticate Sponsorware Videos via GitHub
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows Wordpress users to put a video and description behind Github oauth prompt. It can optionally check for sponsorship of a given organ …
Gutenberg slider block
(0 total ratings)Slider block is a custom Gutenberg Block That has the following upgradation to be followed they are
Before After Image Comparison Slider Block
(0 total ratings)A Wordpress plugin that show of two image before after comparison.
Master Query Loop
(0 total ratings)The plugin helps you to add advanced features to the WordPress core query loop block: get specific posts, popular posts and more!
DBlocks Finder. Blocks and Synced Patterns
(1 total ratings)DBlocks Finder is a WordPress plugin to easily find and manage Gutenberg blocks and synced patterns. Simple UI to find them across posts and pages.
Als Twoinfo
(0 total ratings)It is a custom block that can change the position of the arranged "image" and "text" and can be displayed vertically on a smartphone.
Reng Player
(0 total ratings)Reng is a lightweight block music player that you can use to play your podcast and single or album musics.
Soivigol Notes
(0 total ratings)Soivigol Notes provide you a block notes to annotations in the block editor that it don't show in the front end. Also provide a sidebard with a c …
Read More Toggle Block
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds a custom "Read More Toggle" block to the WordPress block editor. It allows users to create toggle sections where only part …
WOW Best WP Blocks
(0 total ratings)Best WP Blocks help you create content blocks which can be used in posts, pages and widgets.
Disable Widget Block Editor
(0 total ratings)Activate this plugin to disable the Widget Block Editor feature that was added in WP v5.8.