This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

NewPath WildApricotPress Add-on – Member Directory


This plugin contains a WildApricot-powered member directory block (wa-contacts) which displays many member profiles with search options and a member profile block (wa-profile), which displays a single member profile each with customizable fields.

To install this add-on, you must install NewPath Wild Apricot Press first. Visit the NewPath WildApricot Press website, to obtain a license key. This is a free add-on so you can use the same license key as NewPath WildApricot Press. Once you actviate this plugin, add a license key under WildApricot Press > Licensing.


  • Configure all membership directory options in the block editor
  • Support for common, membership and system fields
  • Custom CSS can be applied or inherited from the theme
  • All block functions are WildApricot API-powered

Check out the FAQ section and screenshots for more details.


Please visit the NewPath WildApricot Press website to obtain your license key or to inquire further about the plugin!


  • Adding a membership directory block
  • Member directory membership fields
  • Member profile
  • Members Profile Block Options
  • Using a Saved Search for a Member Directory
  • Enabling Searching the Member Directory
  • Turning on ability to link to a full member profile
  • Changing the maximum number of members per page
  • Enabling Hiding Restricted Fields


Kijalizi hivi vinawezesha bloku 2.

  • WAP Member Directory Add a Wild Apricot Member Directory to your website!
  • WAP Member Profile Display a profile for Wild Apricot contacts and members on your website!


The NewPath WildApricot Press plugin license is available on the NewPath WildApricot Press website. Your license includes 2 free add-ons, the member directory and iframe widget blocks. Future commercials WAP add-ons that generate revenue for your organization will have a separate license fee.

To activate the plugin, enter your license key in WildApricot Press > Licensing. Once you enter your license key and click “Save”, you’re good to go!


How do I add a membership directory?

The NewPath WildApricotPress Add-on – Member Directory block is accessed in the block editor, like any other block. You can also use a slash (/) command when you’re in a block, in the URL field. Type / when in a block and type ‘wap’ or ‘wild apricot’ and the relevant blocks will appear.

Screenshot – adding a membership directory block

How do I configure a membership directory?

To configure a member directory, you can select system fields, common fields and membership fields, from your Wild Apricot database. These will be included in the member directory.

Block Options

Click the Block options and select the fields to include, under System Fields, Common Fields and Member Fields. Click the down arrow to show the available fields that can be selected for the membership directory block.

Screenshot – Member directory membership fields


The Filters drop-down will enable you to use a previously created “Saved Search” from Wild Apricot. The saved search will filter and create a member directory that will always reflect the latest membership data based on your search criteria. When the “Saved Search” results changes, so does the member directory block that uses this search.

Screenshot – Selecting a WildApricot Saved Search

IMPORTANT: If you want to maintain member privacy, do not publicize the criteria of a saved search. As in Wild Apricot, members will appear in a saved searchs, regardless of the field used for the filter. An example of how publicizing the saved search criterial could expose sensitive member information: if there is a field “Number of Guns Owned”, and a filter for “Guns > 0” was used for a member directory, and the saved search was publicized, that would expose the members who pass this criteria even if the Number of Guns Owned field was not in the member directory layout.

Enable Search

You can also enable a quick search of the member directory to visitors. All the fields in the member directory will be searched. Any fields not included in the direcory will not be searchable.

Screenshot – Enable search

Profile Link

Enabling a user profile link will show a link from each profile to a more detailed detailed, individual profile of a member. This option uses the wa-profile shortcode. Use the “User Profile” fields section to select which fields you would like to show in the single member profile.

Screenshot – Selecting User profile fields

Page Size

The page size option can be used to restrict how many members are shown on one page of a member directory block. Once enabled a set of page indictators will appear under the member directory to allow a visitor to page through the membership directory.

[Screenshot – Selecting number of results per page]

Hide Restricted Fields

This toggle will hide any privacy-restriced fields from showing in the member directory (ie member information can only be viewed by members). This is controlled by contact and global privacy settings in Wild Apricot. For security, fields that are set to “admin only” cannot be viewed in the member directory block.

Screenshot – Hide restricted fields

What shortcodes are supported?

Member Directory Shortcode

The wa-contacts shortcode is built dynamically, based on the options selected under the block.

The below syntax is built automatically by the block, but it can be included manually, into any block or content area in WordPress.

[wa-contacts <database fields to include>  page-size=<number of records to show> search saved-search=<saved search ID> profile hide_restricted_fields]

The profile, search and hide_restricted_fields can be used to turn on respective block options.

Member Profile Shortcode

The WAP Member Profile block builds the wa-profile shortcode based on the Block options.

Screenshot – Member profile

The options allow the selection of any system, common or membership fields to show in the single profile. A unique Wild Apricot User ID must be filled out to identify which contact or member is displayed in this block.

Screenshot – Members Profile Block Options

The shortcode syntax is built into the block based on options chosen in Block, but it can be included manually into any block or content area in WordPress.

[wa-profile <database fields> user-id=<Wild Apricot UserID> hide_restricted_fields]

The hide_restricted_fields can be used to turn on this option.

How do I customize the CSS of the Member Directory?

Each element in the member directory and member profile has a unique CSS class inserted which can be customized in the CSS style sheet.

Member Directory IDs and Classes

The member directory will be in a class called wp-block-wawp-member-addons-member-directory.

All hidden fields will be in a class called hidden.

The following IDs contain the various block options:

<div id="enable_search" data-search-enabled="false"></div>
<div id="page_size" data-page-size="1"></div>
<div id="saved_search" data-saved-search="0"></div>
<div id="profile_link" data-profile-link="true"></div>
<div id="hide_restricted_fields" data-hide-restricted-fields="false"></div>

All contacts will be paginated in the class wa-contacts. The pagination will be contained in a class called wa-pagination. Each page of the pagination is in a class called wa-pagination-page. Each contact or member is in a class called wa-contact. Each field value will use the class of the field name as well as a custom attribute called wa-data-label with the name of the field as the value.

Here is an example of a wa-contact element which contains one member and the View profile link.

<div class="wa-contact">
<div class="donor" data-wa-label="Donor">
<div class="my-first-name" data-wa-label="My First name">Carol</div>
<div class="email" data-wa-label="Email"></div>
<div class="wa-profile-link" id="profile-link" data-user-id="49286448">View profile</div>

Member Profile IDs and Classes

The member profile will be rendered using a class called wa-profile.

Each field will have an ID using the same name of the field. For example here is a profile with just the City field, and the value Toronto:

<div id="city" class="field">

<span class="field-name">City</span>

<span class="city field-value" data-wa-label="City">Toronto</span>


The row contains the ID city and a class field. Each element of the row has the field-name class and the value has a class fieldname field-value. A custom attribute data-wa-label is included for convenience.


Hakuna hakiki za programu-jalizi hii.

Wachangiaji & Wasanidi

“NewPath WildApricotPress Add-on – Member Directory” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



August 9 2022 – 1.0.0 – first public release

June 30 2022 – 1.0b3 – fixed license code